A Digital Education Company

Mindshaper Technologies

MindShaper Technologies is pioneers in interactive classroom technology in India, offering digital classrooms solutions to over 850 schools, 1 million students and 25,000 educators all across India. Founded in 1999, by two professionals on a mission to revolutionize the process of teaching prevalent in the country; MindShaper has endeavored to blend constructivist pedagogy, innovative learning techniques and advanced information and communication technologies to offer innovative, scalable and affordable solutions to the education community.

MindShaper has been empowering technology solutions for schools in the K-12 segment for more than 12 years. One of the first companies in India to introduce Digital White Boards; develop and introduce digital content and Classpad Tablets, MindShaper Technologies is the only company to have a complete range of solutions in Digital Interactive Classroom Program, Classpad, Assessment Program, Digital Math Program, Digital Science Program, Online Program and Digital Language Program.

The MindShaper World:
In traditional education, learning is linear. Solutions offered by MindShaper Technologies reflect more closely on the complex and multidimensional nature of life outside the school. They stimulate interaction by encouraging deeper and active participation in the learning process, thus liberating teaching and learning from the constraints of a linear curriculum. The idea is to bring out the latent talent in every student, which conventional classroom methodologies are not geared towards.

Comments on: "Mindshaper Technologies" (4)

  1. MindShaper Technologies is one of the top education Technology Company who provides digital learning platforms for students and schools…
    Great Company great innovation in education technology…

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  4. You have too much information crammed into your video presentations so you can’t follow what the most important thing is to remember and learn.
    In your primary level introduction to the alphabet the letter you are trying to teach is not dominant on the video screen but is only a small part of it as you quickly flash 3 words as examples of the letter use. I am a 67 year old adult and I didn’t have time to look at the picture examples, read the complicated word under the pictures, and associate the verbal presentation with the picture and writing of the word. I would recommend that you highlight the letter and make it dominant on the screen and show only one example of its use in a word or picture and flash the part which you want attention to be paid to in the presentation.

    In your higher level presentation of Maurya history your pace was once again too fast and there was little correspondence to the pictures you flashed and the words which you were using to describe events. I would recommend that you flash a sentence or date or important facts in writing on the screen which you definitely want the student to learn. Not only is the development of oral memory important but also written memory and repeating what is important to memorize and displaying it more than once during the presentation is of great importance. Your presentation was just a rapid flow of uninteresting verbal diarrhea and the student had no clue what important points you wanted to emphasize. It was a fast boring presentation and none of it was memorable.

    My recommendation is slow down, don’t cram so much information on one screen, flash the words or pictures which you are orally talking about, and highlight what is important to remember by repeating it more than once in its original format or a slightly modified one. I could make more recommendations since I am a former high school physics teacher and very interested in digital education but I don’t have the time nor am I getting paid for it. Best of luck in your franchise attempts because you will need it with your present poorly constructed curriculum. Sincerely, Uldis

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